Counselling and psychological assessment for children and adults.



Each of us is the sum of our experiences in life. The secret is discovering how those experiences interrelate. I offer professional therapy/counseling and assessment in the areas described below. 

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Children/Adolescents & Families

Working with children/adolescents and their families has been a passion of mine since before entering graduate school. I have experienced and witnessed the benefit an experienced psychotherapist can have on someone going through a particularly difficult developmental stage. I have also seen the eyes of family members open when they realize that while the child is the identified "patient", everyone in the family can benefit from participating in the therapy process.

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No matter who you are, what you look like, who you love or what you is hard sometimes. As a neutral but active listener, I help adults navigate a variety of situations and issues. In general, I use a cognitive-behavioral approach which starts with how our thoughts influence how we feel and, ultimately, what we do.

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Forensic Assessment

I regularly conduct forensic court-ordered child custody (involving two or more caregivers) or ability-to-parent (involving one caregiver) evaluations. These assessments are based on what is called the "Best-Interests" standard which focuses on the needs of the child(ren) involved in the case.

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Let's Talk

The first step is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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